Action-Related: Day of Service
Standard: Students have knowledge of injustice in the world, have informed opinions about it, and know that their voice and actions have value. They can advocate for themselves and others.
Action-Related: Students learn that they can use individual or collective assets to navigate and challenge systemic injustices or inequity of opportunities, or to increase pride in cultural identity.
Clearly identify and show evidence of students learning to use individual and/or collective assets to navigate and advocate for change.
Clearly identify the systematic injustice OR inequity of opportunity OR to explain how the action will increase pride in cultural identity.
You initiate — You are teaching students to speak, write, and/or think about real-world problems.
**Lesson Overview and Planning: Objective, powerpoint + that they can use individual and collective assets to increase pride in cultural identity
**Facebook Graphic
**Map of areas we will be cleaning up
Why take action?
You initiate — they can use individual AND collective assets to navigate and challenge systemic injustices; they can use individual AND collective assets to navigate and challenge inequity of opportunities
+that they can use individual and collective assets to increase pride in cultural identity
**Lesson connections/student buy-in
**Student sign ups
Day of Service
Students engage + there is follow through — they can use INDIVIDUAL assets to navigate and challenge systemic injustices; they can use INDIVIDUAL assets to navigate and challenge inequity of opportunities
+that they can use individual assets to increase pride in cultural identity
**Images of students cleaning up
Student Impact & Reflections
Students engage + there is follow through — they can use COLLECTIVE assets to navigate and challenge systemic injustices; they can use COLLECTIVE assets to navigate and challenge inequity of opportunities
+that they can use collective assets to increase pride in cultural identity