Advocacy Socratic Seminar

Standard: Students have knowledge of injustice in the world, have informed opinions about it, and know that their voice and actions have value. They can advocate for themselves and others.

Conversation-Related: Students demonstrate the ability to speak/write/think about real-world problems.

  • Identify the REAL WORLD problem being discussed/addressed

  • Include clear evidence (student writing samples, audio, etc.) that includes significant evidence of students writing about the identified real problem

  • Annotate to clearly show where students are citing evidence from information/articles/texts that you shared with them.


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You initiate — You are teaching students to speak, write, and/or think about real-world problems.

**Lesson Overview and Planning: Objective, powerpoint



Students Research

Students engage — Students are speaking, writing, and/or thinking about real-world problems.

**SS Prep Work

**Include sources students are working from/with

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Students Discuss

There is follow-through — As students speak, write, and/or think about real-world problems, they cite evidence from information you have provided.

**SS recording

**SS discussion images

**Socrative screen captures (?)



Students Reflect

**Inner/outer circle notes + reflection pages

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Student Impact & Reflections
